Behavior, Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics Student Taskforce

BEESst Leadership

BEESst student leaders actively engage in the the organization and running of the BISI-BEES program. These students will work together and with faculty to ensure that

  • Students’ concerns and opinions are voiced and addressed
  • Supplies and volunteers are available for routine functions such as the weekly BEES seminar series
  • The BISI graduate office is aided in important events like BEES Round-Up/Recruitment and Organismal Biology Day
  • BEES students have the opportunity to engage in a supportive and cohesive community

All BEES/BISI-BEES students may run for office. Elections for BEESst Student Officers are held at the end of the semester each spring.

Current Leadership (2016 - 2017)

President(s): Grace Capshaw & Jessica Goodheart
Vice President: Andy Foss-Grant
Secretary-Treasurer: Danielle Adams
Social Chair:  Daniel Escobar-Camacho

Position Descriptions


The BEESst President will serve as a liaison between the BEES/BISI-BEES student body, the BEES Concentration Area director, and the BISI director. Responsibilities include:

  • Plan and present a calendar of events and committees for the year in order to ensure the smooth operation of BEES functions.
  • Organize and preside over BEESst meetings. There should be a welcome meeting in early fall semester, and meetings thereafter as needed. BEESst happenings can be discussed at BEESst student talks in the spring semester.
  • Meet with BEES director and BISI associate director and staff each semester to make student issues and concerns known — with the BEESst Secretary-Treasurer. Determine budget for BEES CA and discuss how funds will be used that year.
  • Form committee to organize Maryland Day event and delegate committee responsibilities in early Spring.
  • Find volunteers and delegate committees to aid and organize important BEES events (see above); making sure these duties are executed in a timely manner.
  • Oversee or perform any other useful or necessary duties (i.e., encouraging grant writing, teaching excellence, etc.).
  • Conduct officer nominations and elections in early May.
  • Attend BEES faculty meetings — with the BEESst Secretary-Treasurer.



The BEESst Vice-president, with the help of the President, will organize and oversee routine BEES functions, many of which were previously handled by the BEES-GA. Responsibilities include:

  • Organize weekly BEES Seminar Series set-up/clean-up schedule; send out reminders to each week’s scheduled volunteers. This includes designating a student liaison for the speaker (responsible for leading introductions during lunch with the speaker).
  • Organize/recruit volunteers for weekly BEESst student seminar series each Spring. This series may continue into the Summer (and Fall) if volunteers and support are available.
  • Assist the President in organizational activities (such as planning officer and organizational meetings).
  • Initiate and oversee BEESst Student Award nomination period in early April; appoint award committees.
  • Schedule meeting of previous officers with newly elected officers at start of Fall semester.
  • Update the BEESst email list-serv every semester


Secretary-Treasurer (formerly the Student Representative)

The BEESst Student Representative will serve as a liaison between the BEES/BISI-BEES student body and the department or college. Responsibilities include:

  • Meet with BISI associate director and staff to determine yearly budget for BEES CA and discuss how funds will be used that year.
  • Prepare budgets for programs and events in collaboration with Social Chair. Order the disbursement of BEESst funds. Maintain account records of all transactions.
  • Facilitate transition of office by maintaining files for transfer to the Treasurer-elect. This specifically includes: (1) a summary of deposits and withdrawals from any accounts and (2) all bank statements issued during their term.
  • Attend faculty meetings, take notes/meeting minutes, and report these to the BEES/BISI-BEES student body. Meetings are held twice each spring and fall and last 1-2 hours.
  • Take notes/meeting minutes at BEESst organizational meetings.
  • Update the BEESst website with meeting minutes, new students' info, event photos, student award winners, etc.


Social Chair

The BEESst Social Chair will organize and create social opportunities to foster a sense of camaraderie and community among BEES/BISI-BEES students. Responsibilities include (last three are encouraged but not required):

  • Organize and execute the BEESst welcome party in September and BEESst holiday party in December.
  • Organize BEES student retreat and delegate planning/organization committees.
  • Coordinate with BISI staff to provide snacks/drinks for the BEESst student seminar series in Spring.
  • Organize weekly happy hours/camping/fun outings or anything else that might promote camaraderie and community.
  • Encourage active engagement with members of related graduate programs in these and other events.

Past Leadership:

President: Danielle Adams & Grace Capshaw
Vice President: Jessica Goodheart
Student Representative: Elske Tielens
Social Chair:  Andy Foss-Grant

President: Carly Muletz
Vice President: Grace Capshaw
Student Representative: Elske Tielens
Social Chair:  Alex Novarro

President: Ellie Spadafora (née Stevens)
Vice President: Josh Kiner
Student Representative: Graziella DiRenzo
Social Chair: Danielle Adams & Noor White

President: Ellie Stevens
Vice President: Amy Norris & Josh Kiner
Student Representative: Gerry Carter
Social Chair: Danielle Adams

President: Nathan Jud & Alex Forde
Vice President: Ellie Stevens
Student Representative: Clark Rushing
Social Chair: Cora Johnston

President: Ed Zattara
Vice President: Nathan Jud
Student Representative: Kelly O'Quin
Social Chair: Alex Forde

President: Kelly O'Quin
Student Representative: Jason Keagy
Social Chair: Mercedes Burns & Bea Mao

President: Sarah Kingston
Student Representative: Andreanna Welch
Social Chair: Jason Keagy

President: Holly Martinson
Student Representative: Jennifer Siani

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